Book: A Catholic's Guide to Essential Oils

The book you've been waiting for:

“Easy to read and jam packed with fantastic info! If you have any questions about using essential oils as a Christian, this little book will answer them!” – Anne Auger

“It's time to clear up the confusion concerning oils and our Faith. I am so grateful that Christopher has taken the bull by the horns here to do just that! He has condensed years of research into an easily understandable, quick read.

The book is loaded with practical answers to Faith related questions that continually resurface. Christopher not only provides us with historical and biblical data on oils, but more importantly, he gives us solid, Catholic, fact-based answers to challenging questions!  I have waited a few years for Christopher to finish this project, and it was WELL WORTH the wait.” – Jennifer Patel

 Christopher brings seven years of theological studies and 15 years teaching experience together with practical wisdom he has gleaned from athletic coaching, business development, and family life to shed light on some hot topics.”   – Katy Warner
This book has been a team effort. I never would have written it without three years of encouragement and your persistent asking. So many of you have asked me to write this book - it belongs to you more than to me.

This book is dedicated to you! It is the resource you have been patiently waiting for and I am grateful for God’s timing in bring it to you. Finally!

Katy and I realized that after five years of sharing the oils, about 75% of our Young Living organization is Catholic – not by design, it just worked out that way. We are a Catholic family well connected in the Catholic world, so our group naturally developed into a predominantly Catholic mommy club.

We love the fact that we are not a 100% Catholic group. The non-Catholics in our group are a joy and the perfect complement to the rest of us. Hopefully this book will be valuable to both Catholics and non-Catholics alike, who can appreciate a Catholic approach to oils.
This book is a resource that can help both Catholic and non-Catholic Young Living members better serve their Catholic members.

My wish for all of us is that we would thrive with Young Living, that we would find a way to serve many people, because it’s a stone-cold-fact – we have a better way!

Order Options:
1. The paperback version of A Catholic's Guide to Essential Oils is 45 page - designed to be read in one sitting: 30-45 minutes. I just have one request: please write a review for the book on Amazon!

People will read your review and make decisions based on your praise and testimonial for how the book has impacted you! If there is something you don't like about the book, or if you find a typo (common for a new book), please let me know personally - I have editing power and I will be grateful for your feedback. I thank you in advance for your wonderful review on Amazon! Enjoy the book; you have earned it! 
2. The Kindle version of  A Catholic's Guide to Essential Oils is also available and easily read in one sitting: 30-45 minutes. I just have one request: please write a review for the book on Amazon Kindle! 

People will read your review and make decisions based on your praise and testimony! I thank you in advance for your wonderful review on Amazon! Enjoy the book; you have earned it!
Thank you for your trust and commitment!

Christopher and Katy

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