Do you feel like your essential oils have been tainted by association with New Age spirituality? Do you know people who think their essential oils are divine essences?
Would you like to be able to clearly articulate what you think about essential oils and their relationship to us humans in the order of God's creation?
We live in wild times. We have men who think they are women and women who think they are dolphins. I know people who think we become angels when we die (Uuuh . . . you mean we don’t?!).
If you are the kind of person who likes fuzzy thinking and feel-good, sentimental explanations, this blog may not be for you.
However, if you have questions about reality and the fundamental principles of life, if you would describe yourself as one who is seeking the truth, if you believe yourself to be graced by God with reason, if you can imagine yourself running out of the shadows into the light, this blog is for you.
You don’t have to be a Christian to read this blog. You just have to be open to the possibility that Christianity might still have the answers to your deepest questions – the ones that matter the most.
“Ok, time out,” you might be saying. “I thought this blog was about essential oils?! What does Christianity have to do with health?”
How do you define health? What is your health for – how does it serve you? Why is healthy living valuable? Is it a human right to be healthy – is this a political issue? What about nutrition – is that a-religious? Are we just machines to fuel along the road from point A to point B, or is there deeper meaning to health and life? If there is, where are we going to find the answers? Do you think the Christian community of the past two thousand years might have some wisdom to offer on this subject?
This blog is about re-discovering first principles: spotlights to illumine the path as we travel through the ever-expanding world of essential oils, and trail-markers so we can find our way back to reality. This can also be a guide for anyone seeking to make sense out of the medical or health-and-wellness arena, in general. Let’s be honest - it is a zoo – no, a safari. The animals are loose and you need a guide. I need a guide. We need a guide. Our guide should be the gleaned wisdom of our Christian heritage. That is my aim, to offer you the wisdom Christian men and women have compiled over the past two millennia. This is a practical philosophy of health and healing, based on Judeo-Christian truths.
To even begin this dialogue, we will have to spend some time exploring the nature of things. We can’t very well discuss healing if we are not clear on who or what is to be healed. Neither can we discuss essential oils unless we understand what those are, either. Here I don’t mean chemical properties – we will touch on that –
I mean essences and energies and attributes and all that philosophical work that may seem difficult at first, but, in the end, makes God and his creation come alive for us and fills us with wonder and gratitude.
I mean essences and energies and attributes and all that philosophical work that may seem difficult at first, but, in the end, makes God and his creation come alive for us and fills us with wonder and gratitude.
I can't cover everything – the material is too vast. My task is to give some of our most revered Christian ancestors a voice. I will do my best to re-articulate their wisdom for our present time. You are welcome to join me for segments and spurts or for the long haul.
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